Amur Leopard: The Elusive Beauty
The Amur leopard is one of the rarest big cats in the world, and at the zoo, "Luna" is a shining example of her species. With her golden coat covered in striking black rosettes, she moves with an elegance and stealth that leaves visitors mesmerized. Amur leopards are native to the forests of the Russian Far East and are adapted to cold, snowy climates.
Luna’s enclosure mimics her natural habitat with dense vegetation, climbing structures, and shaded areas for her to hide and observe. Her diet consists of lean meats, which are enriched with nutrients to ensure she remains in peak condition. Zookeepers often create enrichment activities, such as scent trails or hanging food, to encourage her natural stalking and pouncing behaviors.
Visitors are captivated by Luna’s agility and grace, especially during feeding demonstrations when she effortlessly scales heights to retrieve her meal. Her presence in the zoo serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to protect endangered species and their habitats.